Debts Recovery Tribunal - I
DRC Nos.76/2000 & 256/2002
Item No.1 (DRC No.76/2000): Namakkal District Namakkal Joint II Sub-Registration District, Chinnamudalipatty Village, Namakkal Taluk , Survey No.9/4 – total extent of 0.62 acres.
Item No.2 (DRC No.76/2000): Namakkal District Namakkal Joint Sub-Registration District No.2, Chinnamudalipatty Village, Veesanam Village, Namakkal Taluk, Survey No.9/4 S.No.40/1 and 40/3 – total extent of 1.48 acres (minus 0.61 cents taken over by Railway Authority).
Upset price: Rs.1,00,000/-(Rupees One Lakh only)
Item No.3 (DRC No.76/2000): Namakkal District Namakkal Joint II Sub-Registration District, Chinnamudalipatty Village, Namakkal Taluk, Survey No.22/4- total extent of 609 Sq.ft. (Housing Plot with thatched house D.No.1/17).
Upset price: Rs.22,000/-(Rupees twenty two thousand only)
Upset price: Rs.63,000/-(Rupees Sixty three thousand only)
The intending bidders should pay 10% of the upset price of the properties as EMD (for each property separately) by means of a D.D. drawn in favour of the “Recovery Officer, DRT-I, Chennai, for DRC No. 76/2000” (for Item Nos. 1 to 3) and “Recovery Officer, DRT-I, Chennai, for DRC No. 256/2002 ” (for Item No.4) payable at Chennai before 12.00 Noon on the date of auction. They can inspect the properties between 11.00 A.M & 3.00 P.M. on 1.8.2006
For further details regarding other conditions of sale, the undersigned or The Chief Manager, Indian Bank, IV Floor, Circle office, Circle Office Buildings, 55 (Old # 24/2) Ethiraj Salai, Chennai- 600 008 may be contacted personally or over Ph. Nos. 044-2825 0202