Debts Recovery Tribunal - I


DRC No. 47/2004


The under mentioned properties will be sold by public auction on  24.7.2006 for recovery of a sum of Rs.68,58,759/- (Rupees Sixty eight lakhs fifty eight thousand seven hundred and fifty nine only) plus further interest and costs due from  R.Rajeswari and another.  The auction will be held at Debts Recovery Tribunal-I, Chennai-2 at 3.00 P.M. The properties will not be sold below the upset price mentioned.



Item No.1:       All that part and parcel of the property comprised in S.No. 136/2 of Saligramam Village, bounded on the North by Plot No. 90; South by 30 ft Road; East by 30 ft Road and West by Plot No. 96 measuring 4037 sq.ft. with building thereon            (1038 sq.ft.- ground floor, 1079 sq.ft.-first floor, 103 sq.ft. –second floor, 343 sq.ft. –ground floor sitout and garage and 99 sq.ft.-first floor balcony) at Plot No. 97, Durai Arasan Street,  Kaveri Rangan Nagar, Saligramam, Chennai – 93


            Upset price of the property is 55,00,000/- (Rupees Fifty five lakhs only)


Item No.2:       Land admeasuring 3760 sq.ft with a building thereon (with a plinth area of 4773.20 sq.ft. comprising ground and first floors) bearing Door No. A/49, Alagesan Nagar, Chingleput Town comprised in S.No. 296/3 part Melamayur Village, Chingleput. bounded on the  North by Door No. A/49/1, South by Door No.A 50; East by 30 ft Road and then GST Road and  West by land and building belonging to Mr. Adikesavan  .


             Upset price: Rs.32,00,000/-(Rupees  Thirty two lakhs  only)


NOTE: The properties are  sold on “as is where is “ basis.


The intending bidders should pay 10% of the upset price of the property as EMD (for each property separately) by means of a D.D. drawn in favour of the “Recovery Officer,              DRT– I, Chennai for DRC No.47/2004”, payable at Chennai  before  12.00 Noon                on the date of auction.  They can inspect the property at Item No.2 on 22.7.2006 and the property at Item No.1 on  23.7.2006 between 11.00 A.M. and 3.00 P.M.       


For further details regarding other conditions of sale, the undersigned or The Branch Manager, Indian Bank, Saligramam Branch, Chennai – 93,  may be contacted personally or over Ph. Nos.044-.23760318/23761483




     (R. PANDIYAN)