(Vide G.S.R. 815(E), dated 16th November, 1994 published in gazette of India, Extra, Pt.II,Sec.3(i), Dt.16th November,1994)

1 Short title and commencement
2 Definitions
3 Sittings of Appellate Tribunal
4 Language of Appellate Tribunal
5 Procedure for filing appeals
6 Presentation and scrutiny of memorandum of appeal
7 Place of filing memorandum of appeal
8 Fee
9 Deposit of amount of debt due 
10 Contents of memorandum of appeal
11 Documents to accompany memorandum of appeal
12 Plural remedies
13 Endorsing copy of appeal to the respondents
14 Filing of reply to the appeal and other documents by the respondent
15 Who may be joined as respondents
16 Date and place of hearing to be notified
17 Dress Regulations for the Presiding Officer and for the     Representatives of the Parties.
18 Order to be signed and dated 
19 Publication of orders 
20 Communication of orders 
21 Holiday
22 Fee for inspection of records and obtaining copies thereof
23 Orders and directions in certain cases
24 Working hours of the Appellate Tribunal
25 Powers and functions of the Registrar 
26 Additional powers and duties of Registrar 
27 Seal and emblem

In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) and (2) of section 36 of the Recovery of Debts Due to Banks and Financial Institutions Act, 1993 (51 of 1993), the Central Government hereby makes the following rules, namely:-

Short title and commencement


(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.


Definitions – In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires, -

(a)  “Act”  means the Recovery of Debts Due to Banks and Financial Institutions Act, 1993 (51 of 1993);

(b)  “agent” means a person duly authorised by a party to present appeal or to give reply on its behalf before the Appellate Tribunal;

(c)  “appeal” means an appeal made to the Appellate Tribunal under section 20 or section 30 of the Act;

(d)  “appellant” means a person or a bank or a financial institution making an appeal to the Appellate Tribunal under section 20 or section 30 of the Act;

(e)  “Appellate Tribunal” means an Appellate Tribunal established by Central Government under section 8 of the Act;

(f)    “legal practitioner” shall have the same meaning as assigned to it in the Advocates Act, 1961(25 of 1961)

(g)  “Presiding Officer” means the Presiding Officer of an Appellate Tribunal;

(h)  “Registrar” means the Registrar of an Appellate Tribunal and includes an officer of such Appellate Tribunal who is authorised by the Presiding Officer to function as Registrar;

(i)     “Registry” means the Registry of the Appellate Tribunal.


Sittings of Appellate Tribunal. – An Appellate Tribunal shall hold its sittings either at Headquarters or at such other place falling within its jurisdiction as it may consider convenient.


Language of Appellate Tribunal

(1)The proceedings of the Appellate Tribunal shall be conducted in English or Hindi.

(2) No appeal, reference, application, representation, document or other matters continued in any language other than English or Hindi, shall be accepted by the Appellate Tribunal, unless the same is accompanied by a true copy of translation thereof in English or Hindi.


Procedure for filing appeals

(1) A memorandum of appeal shall be presented in the Form annexed to these rules by the Appellant either in person to the Registrar of the Appellate Tribunal within whose jurisdiction his case falls or shall be sent by registered post addressed to such Registrar.

(2) Where the appellant is a bank or a financial institution, a memorandum of appeal may be preferred, -

(a)          by one or more legal practitioners authorised by such bank or financial institution or,

(b)          by any of the officers of such bank or financial institution to act as Presenting Officers;

and every person so authorised may present the appeal before the Appellate Tribunal.

(3) Where the appellant is other than a bank or a financial institution, he may prefer an appeal in person or by his agent or by a duly authorised legal practitioner.

(4) An appeal sent by post under sub-rule (1) shall be deemed to have been presented to the Registrar on the day on which it is received in the office of the Registrar.

(5) The appeal under sub-rule (1) shall be presented in four sets in a paper book along with an empty file size envelope bearing full address of the respondent and where the number of respondents are more than one, then sufficient number of extra paper books together with empty file size envelopes bearing full addresses of each respondent shall be furnished by the appellant.

Application Format


Presentation and scrutiny of memorandum of appeal

(1) The Registrar shall endorse on every appeal the date on which it is presented under rule 5 or deemed to have been presented under that rule and shall sign endorsement.

(2) If, on scrutiny, the appeal is found to be in order, it shall be duly registered and given a serial number.        

(3) If an appeal on scrutiny is found to be defective and the defect noticed is formal in nature, the Registrar may allow the appellant to rectify the same in his presence and if the said defect is not formal in nature, the Registrar, may allow the appellant such time to rectify the defect as he may deem fit.   

(4) If the concerned appellant fails to rectify the defect within the time allowed in sub-rule (3), the Registrar may by order and for reasons to be recorded in writing, decline to register such memorandum of appeal.         

(5) An appeal against the order of the Registrar under sub-rule (4) shall be made within fifteen days of making of such order to the Presiding Officer concerned in his chamber, whose decision thereon shall be final.


Place of filing memorandum of appeal.  – The memorandum of appeal shall be filed by the appellant with the Registrar of the Appellate Tribunal having jurisdiction in the matter.



(1) Every memorandum of appeal under section 20 of the Act shall be accompanied with a fee provided in sub-rule (2) and such fee may be remitted either in the form of crossed demand draft drawn on a nationalised bank in favour of the Registrar and payable at the station where the Registrar’s office is situated or remitted through a crossed Indian Postal Order drawn in favour of the Registrar and payable in Central Post Office of the station where the Appellate Tribunal is located.

(2) The amount of fee payable in respect of appeal under section 20 shall be as follows:-

Amount of debt due Amount of fees payable
Less than rupees 10 lakhs              Rupees 12,000
Rupees 10 lakhs or more but  Less than rupees 30 lakhs  Rupees 20,000
Rupees 30 lakhs or more  Rupees 30,000


Deposit of amount of debt due. –Where an appeal is preferred by a person referred to in section 21 of the Act, such appeal shall not be entertained by the Appellate Tribunal unless such person has deposited with the Appellate Tribunal seventy-five per cent of the amount of debt so due from him as determined by the Tribunal under section 19 of the Act, provided that the Appellate Tribunal may, for reasons to be recorded in writing, waive or reduce the amount to be deposited under section 21 of the Act.


Contents of memorandum of appeal

(1)Every memorandum of appeal filed under Rule 5 shall set forth concisely under distinct heads, the grounds of such appeal without any argument or narrative, and such grounds shall be numbered consecutively and shall be typed in double line space on one side of the paper.

(2) It shall not be necessary to present separate memorandum of appeal to seek interim order or direction if in the memorandum of appeal, the same is prayed for.


Documents to accompany memorandum of appeal

Every memorandum of appeal shall be in triplicate and shall be accompanied with two copies (at least one of which shall be certified copy) of the order of the Presiding Officer of Debts Recovery Tribunal or order made by the Recovery Officer under section 30 of the Act, as the case may be, against which the appeal is filed.

(2) Where the parties to the appeal are being represented by an agent, documents authorising him to act as such agent shall also be appended to the appeal. Provided that where an appeal is filed by a legal practitioner, it shall be accompanied by a duly executed Vakalatnama.

(3) Where a bank or financial institution is being represented by any of its Officers to act as Presenting Officer before the Appellate Tribunal, the document authorising him to act as Presenting Officer shall be appended to the memorandum of appeal.


Plural remedies – A memorandum of appeal shall not seek relief or reliefs based on more than a single cause of action in one single memorandum of appeal unless the reliefs prayed for are consequential to one another.


Endorsing copy of appeal to the respondents – A copy of the memorandum of appeal and paper book shall be served on each of the respondents, as soon as they are filed, by the Registrar by registered post.


Filing of reply to the appeal and other documents by the respondent

(1) The respondent may file four complete sets containing the reply to the appeal alongwith documents in a paper book form with the registry within one month of the service of the notice on him of the filing of the memorandum of appeal.

(2) The respondent shall also endorse one copy of the reply to the appeal alongwith documents as mentioned in sub-rule(1) to the appellant.

(3) The Appellate Tribunal may, in its discretion on application by the respondent, allow the filing of reply referred to in sub-rule (1), after the expiry of the period referred to therein.


Who may be joined as respondents

(1) In an appeal by a person other than bank or financial institution, the bank or financial institution who has to recover any debt from any person under section 19 of the Act, before the Tribunal against whose order the appeal has been preferred, shall be made the respondent to the appeal.

(2) In an appeal by the bank or a financial institution the other party shall be made the respondent to the appeal.


Date and place of hearing to be notified. – The Appellate Tribunal shall notify the parties the date and place of hearing of the appeal in such a manner as the Presiding Officer may by general or special order direct.


Dress Regulations for the Presiding Officer and for the Representative of the Parties

(1) Summer dress for the Presiding Officer shall be white pant with black coat and a black tie or a buttoned-up black coat. In winter, striped or black trousers may be worn in place of white trousers. In the case of female Presiding Officers, however, the dress shall be black coat over white saree.

(2) The dress for the agent of the parties (other than a relative or regular employee of the appellant or respondent) appearing before the Appellate Tribunal shall be the following, namely:-

(a)      In the case of a male, a suit with a tie or buttoned-up coat over a pant or national dress, that is, a long buttoned-up coat on dhoti or churidar pyjama. The colour of the coat shall, preferably, be black.

(b)      In the case of female, black coat over white or any other sober coloured saree.

(c)      Where, however, the agent belongs to a profession like that of lawyers or a chartered accountants and they have been prescribed a dress for appearing in their professional capacity before any Court, Appellate Tribunal, tribunal or other such authority, they may, at their option, appear in that dress, in lieu of the dress mentioned above.

(3)  All other persons appearing before the Appellate Tribunal shall be properly dressed.


Order to be signed and dated

(1) Every order of the Appellate Tribunal shall be in writing and shall be signed and dated by the Presiding Officer of the Appellate Tribunal.

(2)     The order shall be pronounced in open Court.


Publication of orders. – The orders of the Appellate Tribunal as are deemed fit for publication in any authoritative report or the press may be released for such publication on such terms and conditions as the Appellate Tribunal may lay down.


Communication of orders.-  Every order passed on an appeal shall be communicated to the appellant and to the respondent and to the Tribunal concerned either in person or by registered post free of cost.


Fee for inspection of records and obtaining copies thereof

(1) A fee of rupees twenty for every hour or part thereof of inspection subject to a minimum of rupees one hundred shall be charged for inspecting the records of a pending appeal by a party thereto.

(2)      A fee of rupees five for a folio or part thereof not involving typing and a fee of rupees ten for a folio or part thereof involving typing of statement and figures shall be charged.


Orders and directions in certain cases. –The Appellate Tribunal may make such orders or give such directions as may be necessary or expedient to give effect to its orders or to prevent abuse of its process or to secure the ends of justice.


Working hours of the Appellate Tribunal

(1) Except on Saturdays, Sundays and other public holidays, the offices of the Appellate Tribunal shall, subject to any other order made by the Presiding Officer, re_self open daily from 10 a.m to 6.00 p.m. but no work, unless of an urgent nature, shall be admitted after 4.30 p.m. on any working day.

(2) The sitting hours of the Appellate Tribunal shall ordinarily be from 10.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. and 2.00 p.m. to 5.00p.m. subject to any order made by the Presiding Officer.


Holiday. – Where the last day for doing any act falls on a day on which the office of the Appellate Tribunal is closed and by reason thereof the act cannot be done on that day, it may be done on the next day on which that office opens.


Powers and functions of the Registrar

(1) The Registrar shall have the custody of the records of the Appellate Tribunal and shall exercise such other functions as are assigned to him under these rules or by the Presiding Officer by a separate order in writing.

(2) The official seal shall be kept in the custody of the Registrar.

(3)      Subject to any general or special direction by the Presiding Officer, the seal of the Appellate Tribunal shall not be affixed to any order, summons or other process, save under the authority in writing from the Registrar.

(4)      The seal of the Appellate Tribunal shall not be affixed to any certified copy issued by the Tribunal save under the authority in writing of the Registrar.


Additional powers and duties of Registrar. – In addition to the powers conferred elsewhere in these rules, the Registrar shall have the following powers and duties subject to any general or special orders of the Presiding Officer, namely:- 

(1)              To receive all appeals and other documents;

(2)              To decide all questions arising out of the scrutiny of the appeals before they are registered;

(3)              To require any appeal presented to the Appellate Tribunal to be amended in accordance with the rules;

(4)              Subject to the directions of the Presiding Officer to fix date of hearing of the appeals or other proceedings and issue notices thereof;

(5)              Direct any formal amendment of records;

(6)              To order grant of copies of documents to parties to proceedings;

(7)              To grant leave to inspect the record of Appellate Tribunal.

(8)              Dispose of all matters relating to the service of notices or other processes, application for the issue of fresh notice or for extending the time for or ordering a particular method of service on a respondent including a substituted service by publication of the notice by way of advertisements in the newspapers;

(9)              To requisition records from the custody of any Court or other authority.


Seal and emblem. –The Official seal and emblem of the Appellate Tribunal shall be such as the Central Government may specify.


